General Information |
Trading Status: | DELIST | Ex Dividend: | N |
Type: | EQUITY | Currency: | CDN |
Sub Type: | COMMON | Market Tier: | Tier1 |
Listed Date: | 24/Oct/2006 |
Security Description/Comments |
n/c from Strategic Technologies Inc. (STI) 1:1 24Oct06
-n/c to Nanotech Security Corp. (NTS) 1:1 15apr2010 |
Short Summary |
Short Volume | As Of |
(not available) | |
| |
Trading History |
| This Week | This Month | This Year | Last Year |
High: | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Low: | -- | -- | -- | -- |
Close: | -- | -- | -- | -- |
All Time Records |
High: | 0.485 | 26/Feb/2010 | Volume: | 964,000 | 08/Dec/2006 |
Low: | 0.030 | 19/Nov/2008 | Value: | 130,125.00 | 08/Dec/2006 |
| # Trades: | 20 | 24/Dec/2008 |
Security History |
Symbol | Security Name | Market | Status | Symbol Expiry |
*NTS | *Nanotech Security Corp | TSX Venture | DELIST |
05/Oct/2021 |
*WIT | *Wireless2 Technologies Inc | TSX Venture | DELIST |
14/Apr/2010 |
*STI | *Strategic Technologies Inc. | TSX Venture | DELIST |
23/Oct/2006 |
*STI | *Strategic Technologies Inc. | VSE | DELIST |
26/Nov/1999 |
*CCX | *Cancom Industries Inc | VSE | DELIST |
09/Jul/1990 |